Friday, November 5, 2010


It's been 1 week since the Site Supervisor did the walk through with me while Craig was away in Queensland. During the walk through, we found some minor issues - mostly cosmetic which can be easily fixed - it could be me trying to rush things through and I chose to ignore little things. There is 12 months maintainence period and 7 years warranty anyway so why would I care? I JUST WANT THE BLOODY THING TO FINISH! (I'd better leave a remark here - I HOPE I won't regret this 3 months from now).

Supervisor is leaving the company next week and being a very responsible person, he's trying to finish my project before he leaves and I can tell he's doing his best to organize tradesmen to do the fix-ups. I can't praise him enough.

While the pool was supposed to start the excavation last week and sure enough, they didn't show up. On Monday, we decided not to wait and started some site work for the remaining retaining walls and the driveway. On Monday, we got the excavator to level up the driveway a bit and dig the trenches for the retaining walls - surprise surprise, we broke the drainage pipes - I sort of expected as it's right under where we need to put the retaining wall - my concreter/landscaper is going to fix it anyway so I won't let that bother me! Then, just 30 minutes after all the job's done, it started raining. I couldn't even take a picture of what the trenches. Nothing is going my way!

On Tuesday, the pool supervisor had decided to call me to let me know that they were going to excavate on Wednesday and I said to myself - see, I just needed to be calm, things will move along. Wednesday morning, beautiful day, good for excavation and we needed the dirt from the pool to back fill my retaining walls so I asked the excavator to leave the soil on site where my fill needed to be, next to my TRENCH. Off to work we went! All day Wednesday thinking about how great things turned out and when I finished work, I couldn't wait to get back to see the site.

When Kai and I got off the car, I was so shocked by the sight of a mountain of rock right at my backyard. Where the bloody hell is my TRENCH! I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. It turned out that I had more than enough of dirt and rock to fill the retaining walls and there was so much, my trench was buried right under the rocks!

Craig is going to have so much much moving the rocks! OK, I've talked too much already. Here are some pictures.

Tiles in the living area


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