Thursday, February 25, 2010

Electricity connection point at Easement and Tree Trouble

OK - Life is not meant to be easy..
During the digging of water connection, we found the electricity conduits were laid outside of the easement in the neighbour's block when it was subdivided. OK, that was done more than 10 years ago so I can't really chase the previous owner and the tradesmen for the mistake. We will just have to cop it. It cost us $1,200 to rectify the mistake. It's electricity we are talking about and don't want anyone digging outside of the easement then hit our cables.

Then we found termites invaded the tree that Hornsby council didn't allow us to remove. Going through Council for the tree removal application again!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Things are coming along

It's been a struggle to get the water connected. Plumbers were either not working in January or never showed up as they promised. Then, we found one who would do the job last week, but after digging 3 big holes, he couldn't find the water. We spoke with a neighbour about the location of the service, she wasn't sure but she was super nice and pointed us to the original owner. Of course the orignal owner was very helpful and confirmed with us the service was there, it's only a matter of finding the right spot. And by yesterday, the plumber found the service point and got water connected.

Another battle was with the bank - it's taken them 7 weeks to have the authority letter sent out. People got to take holidays which I don't blame them personally, but it's the bank's internal resource issue. Now that we have the letter, color appointment here we come!