Went back to the site on Saturday afternoon and was happy to find the cupboards installed except for the wall cupboards above the Fridge space. It turned out the Fridge space was not wide enough for the cupboard. We need 1000mm wide for the the space and after everything installed, it was only 960mm left and I bet the Site supervisor wouldn't be happy to see a note from the cupboard installer on the wall - "to be moved".
Thursday, September 23, 2010, Craig gave in when I insisted going to the new house to have a look before picking Kai up for baseball. Guess what we stumbled upon? Half of a trench for electricity connection AND room full of stuff inside the house. Here they are.
It's been a long while since I last updated the blog. I've been extremely busy at work, and went to 3 countries within 1 month for work. For someone who has very serious motion sickness, this is not a very pleasant thing. After all these, I am sick as a dog.
There hasn't been a huge progress, but believe it or not, we are officially locked up as of today. We've got walls, doors, bath tubs delivered...blah blah blah... Very happy and words from different tradesmen are we are looking at 4 more weeks to finish and I take that as best scenario and add 2 weeks stuff-ups.